"cuti ni jangan la dok leka ye, gerak la skit, setelkan mana yg simple2 tu dlu, nnti xde la nk kelam kabut." nasihatku pada diriku sendiri.
Herm.. plan masa cuti nih :
1) Tolong mak kat kedai layan customer.
(this one kalo kadang2 nk skip pon OK kot, itu pun kalo cukup kudrat tahan pelempang dgn senduk ke, rice cooker ke)
2) Pegi gym? jogging?
(hah, eloklah, kau pon da tembam)
3) Kerja part time hujung minggu
(kalo boleh, nk collect duit lebih)
4) Kerja-kerja berkait; exercise, bla bla bla
5) RO
(makruh.. tau ke RO tu ape? hahahahha)
huhuhu, alah, nmpak sikit kan? tp tah berapa je yg betol2 boleh buat... but it's okay, at least you know what are you going to do, rather than not knowing, it's different :)
anyhow, the plan has been set up, now it's up to me to make sure that each and every tasks are well performed before the holiday ends.

balik kampunggg~~~~~
until then, see ya!
assalamualaikum :)